Evai Newsletter May 2022

Fortunes are made in bear markets not in bull markets! This well used expression has been ringing in the ears of project founders, developers and eagle-eyed investors this month and the sentiment definitely resonates with the team here at Evai.io. Diving briefly into the traditional economic landscape, the overall macroeconomic environment has taken a turn for the worse with ongoing troubles emanating from the Russia and Ukraine conflict. Added to this we have inflation running at the highest levels for 40 years and growth around the world slowing substantially. Download

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Evai Newsletter April 2022

Launching on PancakeSwap in the last 24 hours, the Evai team is excited to announce that the new Binance Smart Chain compatible EV token is now live and the liquidity has been restored to the pools. We are back in the game and focused on achieving our development goals and moving forward with the next steps on our journey. The rollout of the EV token on PancakeSwap gives us the opportunity to immediately build liquidityin the pools and begin the marketing activity to generate awareness and future sales. Download full

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Evai Newsletter March 2022

The whole team here at Evai would like to start by saying thank you! We are so grateful to each and every member of our community, during the past month it has been humbling to see everyone band together in support of our project. It has filled us with a refreshed passion and drive, we have been working hard behind the scenes to pull industry leaders together to deliver a product deserving of the belief and investment you have shown the Evai project. As the team prepares to launch the

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Evai Newsletter January 2022

Ok, so it wasn’t the bullish charge into 2022 that everyone was expecting Bitcoin to provide – but it’s certainly been interesting seeing who has diamond hands when standing in the middle of a bloodbath! Panic has been in the air in the midst of Fed inflation announcements, the Bank of Russia calling for a crypto ban – only to be swiftly rebuked by the Russia’s Ministry of Finance with the topic amended to regulation. Meanwhile Goldman Sachs stated of the Metaverse that they “…think this could be as much

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Evai Newsletter December 2021

2021 was an incredible year and as we kick off 2022 with a bang, it’s important to look back at just how much has been accomplished already! Even back in April when we first launched our MVP, the excitement around our crypto ratings platform – this new project which could evaluate every cryptoasset in the space through unbiased AI and ML technology – was already a talking point in the industry. We launched with just 20 assets that were evaluated and awarded daily with updated performance-based ratings. Since then, we

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Evai Newsletter November 2021

Hype and FUD. In the world of crypto there will always be these factors directing the ebb and flow of the market – fear and FOMO – get used to them and start polishing those diamond hands! The charts are a real-time glimpse into human psychology and sentiment and, fascinating though it is, sentiment only highlights the need for unbiased crypto ratings to cut through the noise and appraise each asset based on performance – not narrative. BTC flew up to a new all-time high of $69,000 before retracing with

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Evai Newsletter October 2021

Listen. Can you hear that? With the right kind of ear, you just about hear the fiat world’s printing presses starting to roll yet again. The fiat idea that to offset the impending inflation about to overtake the general public’s earnings, the wise solution will be to provide the masses with an increased supply of money that loses its value the moment it is printed and distributed. Luckily the solution – crypto – is powering forward, and Dubai’s focus on crypto has been nothing less than a statement. While the

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Evai Newsletter September 2021

Historically, September has always been a challenging month for crypto – not to mention the financial markets in general – and although many thought we might have gotten away with it this year, a potent mix of US regulation FUD in addition to the Evergrande knock-on effect all played a part in spilling the blood. The market opened the month in the green before a crash on 7 September caused BTC to drop $8,000 in a single one hour candle. There were green moves up again until China, with spanner

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Evai Newsletter August 2021

With bulls and bears fighting it out over market sway, the bulls victoriously raised the $50k flag over BTC once again for the first time since May. A benevolent hacker momentarily lifted over $600 million from the coffers of Poly Network before returning the crypto (less of course, $33 million for exploiting the issue), whereupon he/she was hired immediately as ‘Head of Security’ by the DeFi project. PayPal announced plans to afford UK users the chance to buy crypto through the platform, stopping short of allowing purchases, although in the

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Evai Newsletter July 2021

After crawling at a slow pace without much movement for weeks, the market leapt back into life toward the end of July. The crypto enfant terrible Elon Musk returned to the spotlight in a B Word roundtable in which he shared his thoughts on crypto and the broader market, as well as revealing that both Tesla and SpaceX hold Bitcoin. Jeff Bezos returned from space in a notably shaped rocket before hinting at the Amazon intention to accept crypto payments and launch a proprietary token. Meanwhile, British banks clamoured over

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